Same day appointments may be available, please call our office for availability.
2024 Annual Fundraising Gala
Please join us for this important fundraising night. See and hear how the ministry of Care Net Pregnancy Center Berkley | Detroit is saving and changing lives for our clients, and their families. Learn how Care Net is encouraging LIFE in Detroit and Southeastern Michigan.
The Fundraising Gala is an adult-only event.
Samuel is a Ghanian-Canadian who now lives in America. He is a writer, a pro-life advocate and public speaker who from a Christian Worldview explores the issues around abortion in today's culture and writes about it in his weekly blog, Slow to Write, his blog also addresses racial, cultural, and political issues from a Biblical point of view. His words have been featured on The Daily Wire, The Christian Post and
He currently lives in Ohio with his wife, Annie and their baby.
Questions, please contact Carmen at
Wife to Doug, mom to four, sister to two, April is a marketing leader with extensive experience helping clients grow and transform their business. April is known for her leadership, integrity and passion for great work. She has won a multitude of industry awards including Cannes Lion awards, multiple Clios, and more. She is the executive chair of the Women's Resource Group at R/GA, an impassioned volunteer and Executive board member of her children's NYC Public School as well as an active member and volunteer at Vertical Church in West Haven, CT. She is a graduate of Northwestern University and resides in NYC with her family.